Clinical Saloon: Glaucoma patient care
The event is closed for sign-up.
Dive into the world of glaucoma patient care when we invite Danish ophthalmologists and eye surgeons for a talk about how they detect, diagnose and treat their patients. In company of your peers you’ll get knowledge on how, you as an optometrist, can face the challenges and provide the best advice and guidance for your patients.
The event starts at 18:30 with networking and a light dinner, followed by the evening’s presentations, where there’ll also be plenty of opportunities to ask questions.
At the event, you’ll furthermore have the chance to meet Henrik Laursen from Professional Advancement and Marianne Selch from Recruitment, representing Louis Nielsen. Each Clinical Saloons can accommodate approximately 50 participants, so hurry and register now to secure your spot!
Be aware that the event is in Danish.
We look forward to an exciting evening in good company.