Vision and learning difficulties: why you should look beyond acuity

20:00 (EET)
Vision and learning difficulties: why you should look beyond acuity

What do you do if a child has 20/20 acuity but still has trouble reading or spelling? In his masterclass, optometrist Dr Patrick Quaid tells us about the importance of a much more in-depth assessment than a routine eye examination on children who have difficulties reading or spelling.
Whether you’ve seen his masterclass or not, you now have the opportunity to ask questions about the effect of vision on learning difficulties to Patrick in an online Q&A session. Optometrist Jon V.B. Gjelle will host the session.
Sign up now to claim your spot – it’s free to join.
After signing up, you’ll receive a confirmation email with a link to a form where you can send us your questions upfront. No worries if you don’t have any questions yet – you can also ask them during the session.
About Dr Patrick Quaid
Dr Patrick Quaid founded VUE Cubed Vision Therapy Clinics in 2014 out of his passion for visual rehabilitation. As he suffered the consequences of a severe traumatic brain injury when he was eight years old, he knows first-hand what concussion can do to a child’s academic potential. Read more in Patrick’s bio.
About Jon Gjelle
Jon V.B. Gjelle is an optometrist at heart, specialised in general practice optometry, with a keen interest for ocular biometry and refractive development, visual field testing, evidence-based practice, healthcare communication combined with his love for technology. Read more in Jon’s bio.