75th anniversary of the intraocular Lens (IOL): The past, present, and future options

75th anniversary of the intraocular Lens (IOL): The past, present, and future options

Celebrate the 75th anniversary of intraocular lens replacement surgery with this session that covers not only its history, but also provides in-depth knowledge of intraocular lens and refractive ocular surgery.

Discover the story behind Sir Harold Ridley’s groundbreaking invention and the first intraocular lens surgery 75 years ago, emphasizing the eye’s acceptance of acrylic material. Hear how the intraocular lens (IOL) has evolved since 1949, from the first implantation to today’s advanced techniques. Learn about current IOL options, modern cataract surgery practices, and future perspectives on refractive intraocular lens exchange. Gain a comprehensive understanding of current cataract and refractive eye surgery and explore the future possibilities in this ever-evolving field.

The session is given by Danson V. Muttuvelu, a renowned consultant ophthalmic surgeon.

This session took place live on 23 September 2024 at Clinical Conference in Denmark.