Complications of contact lens wear: microbial and sterile infiltrative keratitis
Complications of contact lens wear: microbial and sterile infiltrative keratitis
In the article, contact lens -related microbial keratitis (MK) management is discussed. This is a relatively rare but potentially sight-threatening condition. This article outlines how optometrists should always practise within their clinical competencies and refer if in doubt or in cases that do not respond to treatment. Optometrists (particularly those who are IP qualified) can now treat a wide range of red eye conditions, many of which are associated with CL-related ocular complications. Being able to rapidly and accurately diagnose more severe, sight-threatening complications is vital so that urgent referral can be made for appropriate treatment to prevent vision loss. The importance of keeping complete patient records and fully complying with consent requirements from the General Optical Council (GOC) is also discussed.
What you will learn:
- Optometrists will have an enhanced understanding of how to comply with requirements for consent to contact lens fitting, treatment or referral of corneal problems associated with contact lens wear
- Optometrists will have an enhanced understanding of use of slit lamp for differential diagnosis of contact lens-induced peripheral ulcer and different forms of microbial keratitis
- Optometrists will have an enhanced understanding of the management of corneal conditions associated with contact lens wear, which do not require urgent referral